The Silence of Snow

On a stormy morning
Clouds gather over the mountain
The high peak, snow capped
visible from a distance
Inviting to the eyes
They get stuck
The clouds strike,
against the vast expanse of the peak
quarelling for space, it seems
The rigid doesn’t waver
But the cloud, it gives in
After a while, it melts
And a river of tears flows
and freezes, while it falls
As it embraces the cold
It feels
its miseries absorbed,
by the wind that trailed
And a soft, sparkling white
snow is born
But in the descent,
a part of it melts
And the turbulence of the storm,
is long gone,
only the snow laden streets are left
and the snow,
it weeps in silence, and
It absorbs,
All the hurt,
there is
And yet whoever touches it,
is filled with delight
And I watch,
from a corner,

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